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Direct link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1daQuryVvs2B2q2jR1gl5Zeb7ZKbHS5x8/view

Acoustic guitars - they're not the centerpiece of the medley by any means but they play a crucial role in holding down the rhythm and adding that crisp high-end "icing" to the mix. Without them, the medley would be bland. For those reasons it's absolutely essential that they're locked in with the drums - any small timing inconsistencies will be glaringly apparent. That's something I've always struggled with, so I'm putting in the extra work to make sure they're as tight as possible for this project. I hope you like how they're sounding on one of the fan favorites - Route 209!

I'm also trying out a new lens here with an ultra-low f-stop of 1.4. The lighting in this clip doesn't do it any justice, but I really dig the bokeh effect it can do, and I think it will work fantastically well for the close-up shots when it comes time for filming.


Route 209 Acoustic Guitar (Patreon).mp4


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