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Sorry if this seems sudden, but some life stuff just happened recently and it's... sort of hitting me more harder than I expected. I think it's sort of because I've been dealing with some depression for a while now, and combined with being burnt out, it's making me feel like I really need some time to myself for a bit just to get myself back in the right head space. Hopefully you guys can understand where I'm coming from.

So I'm pausing payments for this month and taking some time off. That means you won't be charged at the end of this month of course. As for the ideas put in this month's suggestion box, along with the other plans that I've promised to people, I'm gonna do them in November. 


Ass Huffer

Take your time, and best of health! We'll still be here, when you're back.


Best wishes, Lazei! I can't imagine what you might be going through, but take all the time you need!


Have a good rest dude


Hope you feel better. Take your time


you should take as much time as you need