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Sorry guys. As I implied in my last post, there have been a few things, some personal and some out of my control, that have kept me busy, and as a result I won't be able to make as much content as I would've liked. I was thinking about it for the last half of the month but I've decided that I can't in good conscience charge full price when I am not as active right now. Since patreon doesn't offer much in the way of a temporary discount feature then I've decided to just pause things for this month and start again in July.

To clarify you won't be charged for the end of the month/beginning of next month. So consider the content for this month to be free for the most part with the pictures I have already posted.

I may think about opening up commissions in turn for the next couple of weeks and may still be posting stuff for the rest of June, though obviously in a limited capacity. I'll have to think about it first, but yeah sorry for the delay.


Jonathan Williams

Sounds reasonable. Good luck and be safe. 🙏🙏


Thx for letting us know be safe and take ur time don’t be in a rush ☺️


No worries man. Hope everything works out well for you.


Hope things work out


Thanks for notification take it eadt 🙂


No need to be sorry! You do what's best for you. Regardless of it's frequency, I love seeing your art in general. As far as I'm concerned, you've been working major overtime, so I personally believe you deserve this break. Take care, man!


No worries, we've all been there!


Be safe and when you’re ready to come back feel free to do so, don’t force yourself.


It's all good. Hope the things all fix themselves up in a good way so you can have a happy rebound to arting when you feel ready!

Chad Egg

Np, take care ❤️


Hey, don’t worry. We all understand;)


Take care man! Strange you would stop the payment though, i wouldn't mind paying 10$ for the glorious content you have provided so far, but i respect your decision. And damn, taking more commissions? i'll have to scramble up some reference sheets! x) Never bought one before, i hope i get the chanse :3


Just do your best! So far in my limited time on patreon subscribe star and the like you seem to be one of the best and most consistent artists for the price you charge.


You are a saint man. You create so much consistently good art, you are legit one of the best artists to be a patreon to. And to top it off, you even pause payments, that's truly unheard of for someone who posts as much quality as you do. You're truly a saint!