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So uh.....That X site, huh?

But nah seriously- howdy everyone, welcome to augustus! July was kind of super packed for me in terms of general stuff i was up to and had to set up for later, like god golly jeez so much shit was going on. Setting up channel 2, opening comms, fanart stuff, setting up the discord server because channel 2 was kinda ailing on the blue bird site, doing a lil vacation thing with my boyfriend, actually finding a new dayjob blah blah blah. Things should calm down more this month so i'll be able to get down to commissioners' bizzness.

I yunno, i actually don't have TOO much to say this time around other than the usual hopes and stuff i'm workin' at- though i will say i should definitely try to pace myself out when working on rewards rather than going at it in a dead heat at the end of the month. GRANTED- I do only have one left to finish out of the standard 8 on Sponsor/Bigwig stuff- i just figured i shouldn't rush it and actually passed out last night. You'll see that alongside the big recap sometime later today- Before too soon actually because me and my roomies are gonna go see turtle kids brutalize mutants. I'd be a bastard to not finish it before headin' out like that; and nobody wants to be a bastard.


Even though i didn't really want to make one yet due to wanting to accomplish some things first, The Discord Server's actually going fairly well- i'd always sorta said that it's fun to talk n connect with y'all when i'm doing streams so i'm more than happy to yuk it up over some silly or cool shit with y'all there. Thanks for joining and kicking it @the folks who are in there.

But yeah, strangely short and sweet recap over, hope you guys have been enjoying what I'm putting out and what I'll be making over time! Your support means a lot and i hope ya stick around <3

-Pesky & “G★”



Will always do, and I can't wait to see what August will offer to us ! 😊🙏