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Here it is, the first full "Episode" of Ambercream Avenue in it's entirety! Five full pages and a chaser is definitely short of what i have planned for future installments, but it's a good start. A pilot is a pilot!

I don't even know what to really say since i don't want to embellish too hard, plus you guys have seen every little step towards completion; but i could at least thank you all for your interest even through the WIPs!

With this finally being complete and me being able to say i have a genuine product to go with the name I've been spouting out about, i feel all the more emboldened to start putting my focus to it. Isn't just a bunch of vaporware and sparse pictures, we've got real meat now!

There's probably small mistakes and goofs here and there, i know; but i figured it's better to just get the damn thing done to the best of my ability. Chasing perfection was gonna guarantee this shit would only drag out longer and longer, n then it would be FOREVER before i got to the even more fun guys on the cast.

Also, The files below are the pages but without the thematic overlay/filters on it. Just as a little tiny supporter bonus.

Now, where's this stuff going?

All pages of ACA are first and foremost going onto it's main site on ComicFury: Which you can head right into here!

2. There is also the Tumblr account, where (censored) full pages and other fun goes! (Hopefully the bots don't kick me straight to hell)

3. Lastly, the twitter account.

I might have an additive little thing to follow up on the release, but first and foremost i've got two more patron rewards i gotta get done.

I think that's all i got to say for the matter for now! I'm both incredibly excited and viciously anxious about this, but i'm sure everything will be fine. Slow and steady n all that cliche bizz.




Hell yeah, its nice seeing this finally kick off. I'm excited for when the rest of the Men show up

Charm Charm

they're both cute together


i love them both (higgs especially i am biased)


Gaming until reaching the ultimate gaming achievement. The climax.