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It's March 4th, so


I legit didn't know this was a thing until today. All these years and i ain't never heard anyone talk about it; in fact I'd rather toss and turn about Mar10 around this time. (I am currently trying to think about an idea.)

But what other celebration could i give for such a day after my switch-up other than tossing up probably my most chock-ful contributions to this ...interesting rule to the internet all in one handy dandy spot to my supporters.

And y'know, those intrigued chaps looking through the windows of the studio right now; Sup, consider the $3; It's a lot comfier that way, promise.

Anyhow, thank you all for the fun choices and picks over the years, hope ya enjoy this  big package.

teehee, package.




ah memories... lots of great stuff in these!!!! so many man butts