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Is the facelift a little dramatic? Yeah; but i dunno, i think you guys have surmised by now that i like a bit of pizazz, I'm one for the theatrics, one might say i like to put on a show.

Jazz hands.

Plus this is me showing that i learned to do a cool new-ish thing, yippee.

Hello everyone. Hope January was good and fun for you all! I'll really quickly recap and point out some key events that too place over last month and changes/what to expect going forth.


Patreon Exclusive R34

I'm only half (hehe, half) sorry to say, but yes; all of my (Rule 34) art is going to be Patreon Exclusive until further notice*. This isn't much of an issue to those  of you who already here but i just figured i should say it regardless. Anything i'm making will almost certainly be found and can be heartily consumed here.** The reasons are detailed in a post prior to this one, venture there for further explanation. 


*Do not be surprised if around June or so i end up making a small page on some other website specifically dedicated to posting pictures of Eggman and pretty much solely Eggman. I know the hunt for such art is arduous and i intend to lend a helping hand even through this change. It's my doodles and i pick where they go, shh.

**Barring anything i find super, extremely embarrassing to show. (like some COMPLETELY off-the-wall character crushes) I may have another space i'll link to for interested parties. This may or may not be a thing that happens, i dunno.

Ambercream Avenue

You've heard whispers, you've seen pictures, maybe you've even grown a few loose crushes on some of the cast members- Yes! Ambercream Avenue, my 18+ furry web-comic, is going to become a focus for me from now on. I'm finally putting my foot down and getting ready to create something (sorta) big almost purely from my own hands and mind. I may make a post a bit later on detailing what that's going to be like and/or what exactly to expect from it, but until then i suggest you look through the "ACA" tag on this Patreon or look at the infodump website! 

★Changing Rewards

I've already detailed it in a prior post, but the looks of almost all of the request/direct art rewards are changing in looks but more or less staying the same in structure***. This is to lessen the workload on me for when i'm doing stuff for you guys inbetween other stuff like Commissions, gearing up for/doing Streams inside the month, and working on ACA proper. 


***I do want to give a fair note and or heads-up, i am thinking about changing the looks or general structure of the Investor tier/Sketch Sheet reward; but that won't go into effect until next month as to be fair to people who signed up for it this month. I'll also need to make some examples to get my idea across.

Moniker Change

Doodlegoot, Torquewintress, Naughtyhooves, Naughtybassard. All that is going in the bin and kicked under a shelf under the garage. They did me more or less well; but i'm feeling like a new name is in order for such a pivot.

From this point forth, y'all can call me PeskyGoober! Or like...Pesky if you wanna keep it casual or short.

✰ "why are there two of them now?"

It's mostly symbolic. The 'Green' one is Pesky, and the Brown one is...well, if you ever need to address him (dunno why you would), you can just call him G-Star.

Who knows, maybe somewhere down the line I'll find a fun way to explain the choice.


That should be all the important stuff. Any questions about the lingering Twitter account should have answers on it sometime after this post goes up!

Again, i thank you all for staying around and supporting me through this change; doubly so for you who have expressed excitement at what i'm aiming for! I hope i don't disappoint you guys, it's gonna be pretty experimental.





…*under* the garage? Also Pesky and G-Star are cool as hell

Charm Charm

modern reboot time!