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Heya everyone, hope you had a good January/start to the year. I'm still technically on my break, but i felt like i should make some things clear for all supporting parties here before we start rolling again.

 A lot kinda happened when the year flipped over, so let me explain.

So, if you weren't aware; i recently deleted all my posts off of my twitter account when the year began. I didn’t directly tell many people that I was going to or anything like that, and to a small degree I am sorry to a very big handful of people. The truth of the matter is that i’m more or less splitting away and changing from my prior identity as “NaughtyBassard” (Or “NaughtyHooves”, “Torquewintress”). As in, the Funny Guy Who Does R34 All The Time. It was fun for a good while, I made a lot of stuff that i’d never seen anyone else do and really wanted to do; made some nice connections and trades with people, all that fun stuff.

But after a while it just started to feel like I was stuck and I wasn't growing my artistic skill anymore. It makes me nervous and guilty to admit it, but if you’ve stuck around long enough you may be at least somewhat aware that I've been doing this schtick for around 7 years now. I’m 21 as of this post; and that means precisely what you think it does in terms of my earlier art. I do sincerely apologize for that. I've wanted to say something about it for some time but I've just been too anxious to cop to it; I bring it up now to let you know just how long I've been doing more or less the same thing for years and years on end.

I think it’s time for some kind of change.

I want to regain the close and exploratory relationship with art I once had, before I started seeing it as only some way to survive or make money. Yes, it can do that; but it shouldn’t be the only reason I turn to it. It’s gotten to such a point that I almost never spend more than 3 days on one piece, I’m just at it in an almost mindless state, wanting it done as fast as humanly possible so I can shove it out to people. I’ve equated my style to fast food fairly often, and while it’s impressive, I shouldn't be doing that all the time. Good art takes time, and I need to learn how to slow down again. I know that sounds worrying for you guys, ‘n i’m sorry about that; but i’m sure it won’t be that bad in the long run. I want to have fun again, i want to create again, i have stories and life experiences i’d like to flow into what i create. I’d said before in my post announcing my month-long break that I'm not breaking away from making my “usual” stuff (R34), and that still holds true! Between “Madman” sketches, “Request Sheets”, Commissions, and general pieces that I do just because I want to/have a character I like; I'm glad to still hit some crushes you guys may have. However, I have to admit that I don't want to be primarily known for that anymore, I want to be able to make something or things of my own that I can show to people and confidently say I made and is an extension of myself; both erotic and not-so-erotic.

There’s no way you guys haven’t heard tales of or seen posts of this “ACA”/”Ambercream Avenue” stuff by now. If you didn’t know, It’s a web-comic series masquerading as a sitcom full of characters I've been planning for a good while now (I mean for pete’s sakes, there’s 22 guys in the cast; and that doesn’t even include the extra characters!); and I'm finally feeling enough of a push to throw myself into actually working on it. I’m not going to lie, it’s going to become a priority for me here. I’m sorry if that upsets or disappoints you guys, I understand if you’re not up for that given that I've sold myself really hard on being a big Rule 34 guy; so no worries if you feel like you wanna end your support here.

I’m both immensely excited to finally put some real meat on these characters’ personalities and such, show you what makes me smile when I think about them, as well as being scared out of my mind and to my very core of getting it wrong or being subpar and just having no interest garnered. This could easily be one of the worst steps I could take in terms of support and finances, it could absolutely backfire in numerous, stressful ways; but at the same time I really, really want to put my foot down and look straight ahead to try something I've never done before. Even if this somewhat blows up in my face i will still push through to make progress on it. I’ve been thinking and fantasizing about this too long to just let it stay in my head and not make it onto the canvas; and besides, I've got other big personal plans in mind too that require the experience of doing something like this before I can even hope of taking a step towards.

I suppose you could say this is me taking a hard turn in terms of my art and priorities, and yeah you’re right; but I think taking risks is a good part of an artist’s journey. I’ve played it relatively safe for so long, I think I can get a little experimental. Hell, i want to get *really* experimental. I might even take up some other mediums like music or 3D modeling this year if I can ease my fear of failure enough.

So what does that really mean for you guys here on Patreon, right? Well, in terms of tiers and what to expect here from now on: I’ll still be doing rewards such as the aforementioned “Madman Sketches” and others; but the look of them will change so they aren’t such a heavy weight on me. A combined 8 pieces (6 “Madman sketches”, and then 2 “Messy Master” sketches, 9 if you count the request sheet, which is quite an undertaking itself believe it or not) every month is admittedly pretty heavy and does tend to take up a good chunk of time and/or stress me out to the point of inactivity. I’m sorry if that doesn’t make that much sense, but I've been in it for at least a couple years and know myself well enough to say it with certainty. I do still really enjoy being able to provide you guys with stuff like that, I just need to figure out a way I can do it that doesn’t feel like a big weight I have to toss off my shoulders every time.

I’m not really sure where to put it in this post, but I should address one of the elephants in the room. Yes, this does mean that for the LARGE majority of my R34 content*, I am going Patreon-Exclusive. Sorry, but at the same time not sorry. Most of y’all seeing this are already here supporting me anyway, hehe. However, almost all of the ACA related stuff is going to be readily available in a public sense, I just have to get ready to present it properly this time around.

Knocking on the first paragraph of this novel i wrote up here, You may have also noticed that there’s somewhat of a rebrand going on as well. The old moniker, “NaughtyBassard” is out, This “studio” is now under the name of “PeskyGoober”. PG, or just Pesky also works! Sounds a bit nicer to myself too. Sorry to throw up a confusion at the last minute, but with this rebrand also comes some new names for stuff. The most important things are that “Madman Sketches” are now “Sponsor Sketches”; and the look of these will be changing alongside the name swap. That’s for another post that may come shortly after this one. The tags for pieces from this point here on will change as well to fit the new names and the like. I WOULD go back and change the previous tags so they’re all up to date as well but that’s like, 70+ things to individually change so I suppose I'll leave em all nice and unsettled as a fun timepiece, yeah? I’ll totally understand if you use the previous name with those or me in general when we’re talking, it’ll take a minute for the new lingo and name to become natural.

If you need more information or are in general curious about what other things brought me to make such a sudden shift and take the actions I did; there is another place where I essentially gave a full disclosure. It’s a little ironic, given the duality thing I've got going on now. I’ll give you a fair warning and say this one is a lot more emotional, personal, and ….strongly worded, more frustrated in tone; but the information is there if you want it. Apologies in advance, but here it is: https://channel9comms.carrd.co/#openskull

I heavily advise you read all this, but if you’re in a rush or at work here’s a TL;DR:

-Putting more focus on Ambercream Avenue (My original works/web comic),
-Changing how some rewards tiers look,
-Rebranding/new name,
-No longer posting to twitter / I’m going Patreon-Exclusive for R34 art.

So. Yeah. As silly as it is,, and as much as i feel like that Debbie Ryan meme saying it;

New year, new me.

I hope you’ll all stick around to see and enjoy the direction I'm taking; sincerely.
-Pesky & “G★”

*oh you bet your ass somewhere down the line i’m making an account somewhere for the SOLE purpose of posting out public Eggman stuff. Some things never change.




I legitimately can't express enough how much I'm looking forward to what you've got in store!


this just means i get to see more of my favorite ac oc's