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In order to distinguish the patron who already paid in Febrary from the Parton who will fund in March, I will change a few posts including uncensored NSFW comics into hidden or deleted. 

This process will take place on Febrary 28th or the last day of each months. Please understand that this is to reward and distinguish the patrons by months to benefit patrons fairly. :)

Thank you .



Is there any way to get previous ones?


yes Gearous please add option to purchase previous months plz :)


one of the biggest mistakes i ever made was not following you from the beginning, so yes please, add the option of buying previous months! ;_;


Will the Gold member request image still be viewable in March for the February subscribers?


Gearous, I love your art so much. Unfortunately, I'm one of your patrons who only found you a couple of weeks ago. So, like the previous commenters, if you make past art available for purchase, count me in, too! I'm also going to upgrade my pledge very shortly (I'm moving this month, so I need to wait just a little longer, but I can't wait to upgrade!). I also eagerly await your Fan Book and hope I'll get an opportunity to buy 2 copies! :) Thank you for your beautiful work, Gearous - it brightens up my day every time I see it.


I just joined as well and would love the opportunity to purchase previous content that was only available to previous patrons. If that is possible then I would greatly appreciate the chance. Just let me know the process. Thank you.


Me too. I just joined your patrons. Please let me know how to purchase previous months and your Fan Book. Thank you^^