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In order to distinguish the patron who already paid in Janurary from the Parton who will fund in Febrary, I will change a few posts including uncensored NSFW comics into hidden or deleted. 

This process will take place on Janurary 31st or the last day of each months. Please understand that this is to reward and distinguish the patrons by months to benefit patrons fairly. :)

Thank you .



I was wondering because people could just become a $35 Patreon and then change their pledge and cheat the system, so this is a good idea :)


Does this mean we won't be able to see the pervious work?


I feel silly asking this, but does that mean that the images will be gone even if I have paid for January?


Eli - I have the same question.


I have the same questions as above, but I also feel slightly guilty about this since I changed my pledge to gold today and it has only been a short time after I signed to pledging silver. I got pay raise and have more spare pledge money, but the timing of that and this just makes me feel guilty. Sorry. :(


Oh! Thanks for asking, so sorry to make confusions, Currently posted images are for those who pledged January, and the postings will be deleted at end of January. I do this every end of month so it would be fair for current patrons who paid more than one month. Those who pay only for February will not be able to see the posts that January patrons have seen, just like those who paid only for January can't see December postings. If you want to keep the image just for you, I am allowing to save, but make sure to not to share it with others or post please.


Thanks for asking, so sorry to make confusions, Currently posted images are for those who pledged January, and the postings will be deleted at end of January. I do this every end of month so it would be fair for current patrons who paid more than one month. Those who pay only for February will not be able to see the posts that January patrons have seen, just like those who paid only for January can't see December postings. If you want to keep the image just for you, I am allowing to save, but make sure to not to share it with others or post please.


You don't have to be sorry I understand, Thanks for asking, so sorry to make confusions, Currently posted images are for those who pledged January, and the postings will be deleted at end of January. I do this every end of month so it would be fair for current patrons who paid more than one month. Those who pay only for February will not be able to see the posts that January patrons have seen, just like those who paid only for January can't see December postings. If you want to keep the image just for you, I am allowing to save, but make sure to not to share it with others or post please.


You will still see some of the works! but some of the postings will be deleted at end of January. I do this every end of month so it would be fair for current patrons who paid more than one month. Those who pay only for February will not be able to see the posts that January patrons have seen, just like those who paid only for January can't see December postings. If you want to keep the image just for you, I am allowing to save, but make sure to not to share it with others or post please. Thank you for asking.


Did you already delete some of them from january? Just asking as I saw on your twitter about one picture in a car but I don't see it on here :D


not yet! It's here! Please check it out~ <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/2017-01-19-nsfw-7818496">https://www.patreon.com/posts/2017-01-19-nsfw-7818496</a>