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Hi! This is Gearous.

I was invited to Patreon Adult Content Creator Meetup in LA!

I decided to go because I wanted to make sure the content that I'm creating is following guidelines and was not harmful/illegal.

I had chance to talk to many representatives such as  Guideline, Research and Community manager.

Meeting Patreon staffs in person and sharing F&Q became a huge motivation and inspirations. They want to support creators, they care deeply about embracing 18+ content.

Patreon Resources were really helpful and now I have more ideas to give my Patreon members by using the system as much as I can.

I also asked them about the discount that I was planning on 2018 June and they gave me some advice. I will make an announcement soon about it so please wait for the updates!

Thank you again for supporting me for Febuary and I hope you're having a great day.

P.S. I will be going to 2019 ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championships in Anaheim !  I will share stories on my Instagram account @official_gearous




Hope to see you at 4CC then!


Glad you got a lot out of the meetup. I like this platform and hope it continues to be good for you.


This sounds very encouraging, I want to be supportive of you, but also of a platform that is accepting of art across many scopes.


Glad it was helpful for you and sounds like there's exciting news in store! Also, looking forward to seeing your 4CC updates! I'm going to have to remember to check your instagram....


That is SO great Gear, I am really happy that you had that opportunity! Much deserved.


That's awesome, Gear. Very glad you were invited and are willing to do everything in your power to go about things in the best manner. So inspirational. Ganba.