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Hi! This is Gearous. 

I feel like it's been a really long while since I started the B&W book project and I'm happy to announce that I've finished the book and it's on the printing process!

 I've been always dreaming and thinking about working on a B&W book project I can't believe I've done it... It always amazes me and I always think that it's like a miracle how your existence gives me courage and strength to do something that I thought I will never be able to do.  THANK YOU, and thank you thousands of times for having a strong belief in me and supporting me through all the steps. 

I have two new books coming out this December!

[ Yuri: Love ]

R-18 Black and White book

 90 pages, Crystal foiled on the title 

Reads left to right

Language used : English & Japanese (Russian)

This book will be available at Mandarake and Toranoana soon for online purchases! Anyone who's interested will be able to purchase this book online at  Mandarake and Toranoana!

I will bring some copy for patreon members separately from convention to US so ALL MEMBERS will be able to purchase it from my patreon page with rewards that are only exclusive at the page for the members so please wait for the announcement after January! Yay! 



96 pages, Rainbow foiled on the title 

Reads left to right

Language used : Japanese

 is a full colored illustration book that has SELECTED illustration from my previous works of [Kiss & Cry] and [Kiss & Cry gold] with most recently drawn illustrations included in it! 

but unlike [Yuri:Love], Online purchase for [NEXT LEVEL] is going to be ONLY available in Patreon page again for members who has record of life time pledge of more than three month as Professor or higher tier.

ALSO after so many discussions with the printing company I was able to order the Happy New Year card!! 

the blue part will be silver-foiled so it's going to be shiny! I'm excited for the result.

I will make a form during this week, please fill out the form so I can send you my thank card!

 Some card might be lost during the shipping process but I really hope it gets to you all in time.  I can't wait to send out these card to you to wish you a happy new year and thank for your support. 

I will plan rewards for rest of the December and I will respond to your emails and messages as soon as possible! Thank you always for your patience and understanding.

Hope you have a great night.




Thank you for all the hard work, Gear!!!! ❤️ Excited for your books!


Otsukare, Gear!! Looking forward to your new books and OMG the card!! 😭 Thank you so much!! ❤


Wahhh Gear I’m so happy you were able to finish it!! Good job! ❤️ Thank you for all your hard work, you deserve a lot of rest 💕 I’m very excited about your books!! Take care and have a merry christmas ❤️


YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited!!! You did so well!!!!!! Thank you for always being so kind to us and thank you for always working so hard for us! 😭 💕 you’re the bestest!! Please have a glorious time at Fuyocomi I’m half way across the world so I cannot go bit shall be flailing is support from here super hard!!! ヽ(´▽`)/ヽ(´▽`)/ヽ(´▽`)/


Yayyyy! Nice work gear! Thank you for so much! Can't wait for these books!


The card the card the card!!! I’ll send mine this time also!!!


Congratulations! I'm happy to hear that your work ended well :) and I always appreciate your hard work^^


Yay Gearous! You've worked super hard and I'm looking forward to purchasing BOTH books! Your hard work always amazes me and I'm so happy to be able to spend another year with you!!

cris g

Woah I hope I can buy both your books bc I love your art so much! When you say 3 months or more, what is the monetary value? I think I hit it but I just wanna be sure >o


Congratulations Gear!!! So happy that you were able to accomplish one of your goals :D


Lots to look forward to-- I'm excited!


Your current tier does not matter if your lifetime pledge is more than $90. if you want me to check for your eligibility please let me know ! Thank you!


We love you Gearous! Never forget that you are AMAZING and YOU CAN DO ANYTHING! <3


Yay!!! :)


Go Gear!!!!!


I’m so proud of you and your hard work! I know you’ve spent an insane amount of time on this so I hope you can catch up on rest and have FUN in Korea and Japan!!!


Very proud of you, your work, and the community Gear. I can't imagine how much you had to push to get this completed and how stressed you might have been trying to do it. Very admirable how hard you work and you continue to thank others for giving you the strength. Thanks so much, Gear, for being that beacon of all things wonderful and inspirational. Hope you're able to enjoy your travels and have a safe and happy holiday~


Good work Gear! You are an amazing artist!


Happy New Year card!! i want!!!!!


yay im so excited and congrats on finishing the book. can't wait to see the new books I'll be waiting patiently for when they go on sale 😍💗


Thank you, Gear! It’s been another great year as a Patreon member with you! 🥰


I am so excited for the books!!! And omg I totally want a New Year's Card!!! It has been so great being a Patreon member with you~ Wishing you a great holiday season and Happy New Year!!! :D


AHHHH I'm so excited to be able to order both of these books! (hopefully, should be... lol) They look wonderful! Congrats on making them happen! (+ the postcard!)


SO excited for the card! 😭🙏🏻💖 does the online shop sell physical copies of the book or only in digital version? I wish I could buy everything but I can't afford pledging more every month. I Will be SO jealous of you who will be able to buy the full colored book TwT Thank you anyway for making such a delight for my eyes 💖 You are such a hard worker and incredibly talented! I'm glad you get use of that ability 💪🏻💖 I hope this year has been a good year to you! Take care ❤


I hope these two books are available in digital version. I am really interested to buy them but due to some personal reasons, I cannot buy physical books. :( Thank you for sharing with us. Take care ❤️