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Hi! This is Gearous!

Thank you so much for supporting me! This is the announcement that I promised to make on May.

There will be renewal of my Patreon page Starting July 1st! The name, price and rewards of the tiers will be changed.  

Details are below: 


$1 Tier Seedling

- Access to the Patreon feed!

- Access to works in progress post such as Pencil Sketches and Rough drawing!

$4  Tier Sprout

- Early access to my original comic series pages! 

- Access to concept arts and commentaries of my original series!

- * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers 

$8  Tier Clam

- Full NSFW with PSD Every 2 Weeks!

- Get PSD+ High resolution of illustrations Every 2 Weeks!

- * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers 

$28 Tier Professor

- Full NSFW with PSD Weekly!

- Get PSD+ High Resolution + Process Videos of illustrations Weekly!

- Live 2D GIF Every Month!

- Access to Monthly Request post!

- * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers

$58 Tier CEO

- Access to (1) Previous Month’s Rewards that you select + rewards of current Month!

- *The Tier is not ready until August* 

 Limited to 10 members 

$88 Tier President

- Private Monthly Google Hangout Session (about an hour) 

- Monthly Post card sent with a chibi/doodle of your request! 

- Early access to the order form whenever books are released!

- * Includes all the benefits from the lower tiers except CEO tier

Limited to 20 members


 - You will Receive a Patron message with each month’s reward without having to save each month. 

If you have any concerns, opinions and comments, please share with me! 



I will be more than happy to listen to your opinion!

The tier and page will change on July 3rd 12PM 

Thank you so much for supporting me and I hope you have a great day!



Thank you so much for all the thought you put into creating the new tiers, Gear!! Looking forward to seeing the new content you’ll have in store for us! Best wishes with regards to everything!


Yayyy gear!!! Thank you for all your hard work! Quick question? Will the president tier be limited? I’m platinum now and I would like to keep supporting you at the top tier. But I’m not sure if it will change automatically or if it’s first come first serve like platinum was. If it is limited no worries! I will do my very best to be quick enough to get president before it sells out! It looks amazing! Thank you so much!! Hugs!


this all looks great gear!! the update sounds exciting i hope it brings you more patrons. and i'm glad that your charge for comic pages access went up because you certainly deserve much more than that for all the hard work and love you put into your original work. OTSUKARE!!! :)


Oh! I’m sorry I just saw! Limited to 20. Sorry! I’m sorry to bother you Gear!!! Do you know if it changes automatically or if I have to be really super duper quick to get a spot? So sorry! I don’t want to bother you! Otsukare!!


This looks awesome Gear!! Thank you so much for your hard work!! 💕💕


Thank you for asking! I changed Platinum to President but I don't know what patreon system would do when I add CEO tier in between Professor and President. The tier and page will change on July 3rd 12PM, I hope I answered your question!


when we can upgrade?


I'm currently gold, which I assume will be changed to professor? Still happy with this one so, again I assume, I shouldn't have to do anything right? Love your work ♥️


앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ뭐시에옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱ티어이름 왜때문에 이케 귀여워옄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이야...2천원 싸졌어..ㅎㅅㅎ 노립니다. 대통령.( ´・∀・`)


Yay I can finally switch my tier to 8 dollars!!


Wow, Gear. I already thought that your system was pretty good as it was, but seeing all of your changes here, I have to say that you've definitely covered all of the bases! Great foresight and work on all of this. You are already such a hard-working person, but for you to increase the level of productivity and flow of your Patreon page is even that much more impressive. I look forward to supporting you and witnessing your tremendous growth! \o/ Ganbatte!


And to add, you truly are an inspiration and a very motivational force in my own personal growth. So thank you for being an excellent example. *bow*


I love postcards! Im so excited


So all tiers will stay as it is just the price change? I ask cause from my experience everyone drops down to the $1 tier and you have (patrons not the creator) to change it back to the appropriate tier. I'm happy about the changes though and I hope I stay on the now $28 tier :3 the rewards haven't changed and it's amazing how much you care for your contributors that you did this and I wish I could read into my phone and hug the he'll out of you 😝


This sounds like a good plan! I'm curious if you are going to make your past work available anywhere else or only as a specific reward for the one tier? I'm actually quite surprise that it's only for 10 people. That seems quite low, I assume that that tier will be very popular. Do you think you'll consider raising the limit? When did you start patreon exactly? I think I am only missing a few months of your work but I would love to be able to catch up on what I missed before.


Wait. So will Tier President also get its own request post like Platinum did? Or will there be a single request post across all tiers? Super excited about the monthly chibi/doodle post card btw.


I think President tier will not have a separate request post but can still participate in the request post, but you all get your own personal requests for doodles/chibis from Gear when you get your postcards! I think it's pretty neat to get that instead of just 1 request winner * A *


Kinda disappointed 1 dollar tier doesn't give nsfw previews or early comic previews