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Happy New Year! =///= 

Thank you for spending 2017 with me and thank you for growing me as an artist and a person.

I hope everyone have a wonderful 2018, and stay healthy and happy!!!!!!!

I remember all the communications and interactions we had in conventions, twitch streams, discord and patreon posts.

I will always cherish every moments with you and I believe that those memories will always keep me strong  whenever,  wherever I belong.

I hope I can do the same to you all and I promise will work hard to make that happen.

Thank you, and have a great 2018!




Thank you so much for the amazing 2017, Gear! It was so great being a part of your progress, I look forward to even more exciting and magical stuff from you this 2018! Happy New Year!!


Happy New Year Gear! Thank you for blessing us with your artwork this year. You are such an amazing person, I look forward to continue supporting you next year ^^


Happy New Year!!! Thank you for being who you are, we all love you! <3


Thank you Gearous for providing us your time and beautiful creations in every form. I wish you the healthiest and most prosperous New Year in 2018 and beyond. I look forward to being a member. Thank you again!


Thank you so much Gear. I'm specially thankful for the chance I had to meet you and everyone at the discord. It's been amazing to see you grow as an artist and being able to support you in that journey. Thanks for being such an unique lovely person and sharing your time with us. This world seems like a better place thanks to you my friend. Best of wishes for 2018. I love you so much


Happy New Year Gear and everyone! Gear, honestly, thank you for just being you, sharing your work with us, and being such a positive person. You deserve all of the support that's given to you. You're such a hard worker and truly a big inspiration to me. To everyone else, thanks for being such an awesome, fun, and positive community. It's great to interact with you all. Let's all have a great 2018! :3


TB *hugs* happy New year. I'm glad we're part of this lovely family


Happy New Year Gear!!! Thank you for a wonderful year of art!!! It was great meeting you at AX and I hope we get to meet up again this year! I'll be supporting you this year as well! Wishing you a wonderful 2018!!!


Happy new year Gear!!! Best wishes for you!!!


Thank you so much Gear! Your art brings me so much joy! Please have a wonderful new year!!!


Happy new year!


Happy new year to everyone in this awesome community!!! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it and for putting up with me on the discord lol Thank you Gear for being the most wonderful, kindest person I’ve ever had the pleasure to encounter. You and your art inspire me, and I can’t begin tell you how grateful I am for that. I am not the best with words when it comes to feels lol Have a great New Year!*New Years Hugs* 🎊🎉💕


Happy New Year Gear! 2017 has been one of the best years because of you, your art and the wonderful community I've gotten to know in discord. You have given me so much inspiration and your streams always brings a smile to my lips 💕 You're amazing, kind and super sweet & my favorite artist - I am very much looking forward to 2018!! Someday I hope I can meet you in person along with my friends on discord as well, that would be a dream come true! 💕 Have a wonderful new year Gear! *hugs & boops*

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 06:45:29 Happy New Year, Gear! I was so happy to finally meet and speak with you at a convention last year. Your work brings me so much genuine happiness I couldn't stop supporting you if I tried ^_^ All the best to you this New Year, and I'm excited to see how your work continues to evolve. ((BIG HUGS)) Do your best!!! <<fighting>></fighting>
2018-01-02 14:44:27 Happy New Year, Gear! I was so happy to finally meet and speak with you at a convention last year. Your work brings me so much genuine happiness I couldn't stop supporting you if I tried ^_^ All the best to you this New Year, and I'm excited to see how your work continues to evolve. ((BIG HUGS)) Do your best!!! <<fighting>></fighting>

Happy New Year, Gear! I was so happy to finally meet and speak with you at a convention last year. Your work brings me so much genuine happiness I couldn't stop supporting you if I tried ^_^ All the best to you this New Year, and I'm excited to see how your work continues to evolve. ((BIG HUGS)) Do your best!!! <<fighting>></fighting>

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 06:45:29 Hi,Gearous Happy New Year, I am a sponsor member since May 2017, already 2018, and I still have not received the book "kiss &amp; cry". Is there any problem in the link? Can we solve it as soon as possible? Thank you!
2018-01-03 05:17:48 Hi,Gearous Happy New Year, I am a sponsor member since May 2017, already 2018, and I still have not received the book "kiss & cry". Is there any problem in the link? Can we solve it as soon as possible? Thank you!

Hi,Gearous Happy New Year, I am a sponsor member since May 2017, already 2018, and I still have not received the book "kiss & cry". Is there any problem in the link? Can we solve it as soon as possible? Thank you!


I will look into the problem and let you know! I remember sending it to you (I remember your name and the info during the shipping process!) so I will let you know when I figure out the problem. I'm so sorry to hear that you did not receive it yet!