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Oh thank goodness, that wasn't the end before... Can breathe again! More Beeproid and Hakase! 😄 But I sense trouble brewing with V1 already... Gearous, you have my emotions and attention wrapped around your finger with these two. They're excellent.


I need to them to be together and fall in love !!! But I'm glad that lat chapter wasn't the end


Oh dear... he finds things meaningless. Does this version know he's a sexaroid or no? V0 jumped him when activated, so I'm not sure. Maybe there will be a little bit of him left in V1, I can only hope. ♡


I don't know how to feel anymore


Please give him back his memories. 😭


OMG he's so numb and emotionless D: I'm sure the professor feels really lonely and misses V0 ToT


I sense a storm brewing with V1... also as Louissea mentioned if you do give him back his memories I’m requesting Drama!!!!


i glad to meet again beeproid...ToT ..and he so cute wear that vvv


헉..지금 제 기분도.. .메말라 죽어버린 토양이 되어버린것 같아요...계속 가슴한켠이 아려와요...마음이 쿠크다스처럼 부셔져버렷.. 그래도 박사님이 우리 섹*로이드 마음 고생시켰었으니까 요로코롬 박사님 마음도 아프고 후회하라구 이해할수있눈데에 제 안에서 두개의 자아가 싸우고 있어요.크흐...그래서 저둘은 언제..햅삐-해지나요...우리의 V1 군이 기억을 되찾았으면 좋겠어요. 엉ㅇ어엉ㅇ엉 후어엉ㅇ..(훌찌럭)


Happy thats its back but sad that sexaroid is like that. :(

Inspector Lemon Cosplay

I just want his memories to return 😢 this is so good but so heart breaking!!


Hakase LOVE

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 06:54:39 I feel sad ;__; But... Hakase is a genius, so I'm sure he can bring new life in that desert and memories back to Alex! Please >__
2017-10-06 20:24:50 I feel sad ;__; But... Hakase is a genius, so I'm sure he can bring new life in that desert and memories back to Alex! Please >__

I feel sad ;__; But... Hakase is a genius, so I'm sure he can bring new life in that desert and memories back to Alex! Please >__