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 Hi, this is Gearous.

I've been working on presenting a book to members who have been supporting me for three months.

This is the new book gift form for members who became eligible in July and August!  

(You had to pledge more than three months to become eligible for this gift book, I'm no longer giving book gifts for members who pledged after June.)

If you have already received the book, please do not fill out the form again.

Members who haven't received the invoice or haven't paid the invoice from the July form will need to fill out this form so you can receive the book gift! This will be the last chance to submit a request for a book gift.

Here's the form link : https://goo.gl/forms/QU6oDzG7qJYpwMKt1

I will have the form open from today, September 23rd, to September 29th. I will not open the form again after the 29th and any patrons who were eligible but did not submit a response I will assume does not want to redeem their book gift this month.

Please do not share the link outside of patreon page.

 For details regarding the Book gift, please take a look at : F&Q! 

If you have further questions regarding book gift, please send mail to  <gearousmail@gmail.com>  with your Patreon name and email address after checking this Announcements and F&Q!

Thank you! 



Is this for just the regular gift book, or is it for Kiss and Cry Gold?


Also the form isn't open.


The form says it's not open :(


oh I found it out and I fixed it ! the form should be working! Thank you


Thank you I tried again and it worked!!


Hi, my friends stop Gold member this month. They are qualified but can't see this post. What should they do?


Is this a new book? I already have kiss &amp;cry and engaged

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-05 06:56:27 Is there a chance to get Kiss &amp; Cry gold later in the future?
2017-09-24 20:45:54 Is there a chance to get Kiss & Cry gold later in the future?

Is there a chance to get Kiss & Cry gold later in the future?


Hi, This is not the new book, it's for rest of the members who didn't get the first nsfw book yet!


For members who pledged for 3months will get a chance to get kiss and cry gold later! Thank you


Did you also send a mail? I think she can send a mail to gearousmail@gmail.com and I will see what I can do for her! Thank you.


The form is now closed. Thank you!