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June will be the last month that I am going to be offering for book reward. Patreons who pledge after June will not get the book :) 

People who starts to pledge from July will no longer eligible for book reward However, I am still going to work on to something for people who wants to see previous NSFW. 

Thank you.



으아아아아(mm ) 제가 영어 잘 못 읽은거라고 해주세요!!!! 6월이 책자 보상 마지막이라니요(mm )


If we began pledging in April will it still be an option at 3 months in July or not? I was really looking forward to being able to order your nsfw book.


Hi Gearous, I have a question. I started to pay golden in May, I am not sure I can get the nsfw book in July or not? Sorry for my poor English.


Thank you , 😃 I want to see your works before april ,please , I Hope exist some way to get with paying ,sorry my english;-;


Hi gearous, this is my third month as a gold member. How can i get the book reward? thank you!


So sad I didn't discover Gearous until this month and missed this book gift! I hope you'll consider doing something for your fans again soon!