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It begins. The biggest feature between us and a playable release is poking things into other things. So let's talk poking! Plus, a release checklist for our first playable version.

So, first of all, I'm not gonna be using inappropriate language in these posts anymore, lest I run afoul of Patreon community guidelines. There are certain kinds of content they don't allow and I don't wanna give off the wrong impression to the content review team. 

I'm working on an alternative. It's not up yet, but if you wanna see my stuff without a sense of ironic censorship, see the not-Patreon link in my Twitter bio.  I'll post on that site later today. I can't link to it directly here sorry >.<

Also I have a coding stream starting in a few minutes!

To new patrons: We’re in the middle of an absurdly-long update cycle. Here’s the summary and how to access content.

What's being worked on?

Release checklist!

I'm gonna be updating my public Trello from now until release, to give y'all a consistent, at-a-glance picture of what's being worked on, and what's left before the first playable version. 

Please check it out if you're interested! 

I put descriptions on things and everything ^^

The poking mechanics

One of the core mechanics in the game is the toy-in-orifice interaction. A lot goes into this, and past versions did okay but were super limited in what you could do. 

I want a lot out of this engine. The first playable version of the game won't have everything, but since I'm designing the engine code right now, it has to be ready to support everything:

  • Stuffing many toys into one place
  • Stuffception (a thing stuffed into a sheath toy, then all of that stuffed into an orifice. Multiple layers deep.)
  • A multi-headed toy going into multiple places
  • Things falling out of places
  • Things getting stuffed all the way in and "lost" in places, like normal toys, eggs, etc
  • Things coexisting with fluids inside places
  • Missing the target or popping out
  • A better, more complete aiming experience

I sat down and figured out the complete intended feature set, and am making sure all of that functionality is doable as I move forward. Just the planning took some time, but eventually I moved on to:


The biggest thing missing out of my process is proper prototyping. I have a lot to say on the topic but am rushed for time atm, so I'll expand on it in later posts. Right now though, I'm prototyping out a major improvement in one of my biggest frustrations with earlier versions:

UI/UX for getting things to go in holes

It's actually kind of a messy problem, since there's a lot of things in the body that are placed right next to each other. How do you "aim" in a 2d top-down game like this? I sat down for a while and gamed out several ideas.

Current idea: an "aim" box. There needs to be an aiming mode where you can fine-tune your angle of attack, and see what you're aiming at clearly. I'll be working on the prototype on stream today, if you wanna check it out! Otherwise, I'll report in next time on how it went ^^


Will there be winking? Like, that kind of winking? Yes, absolutely. And if somehow I forget, bonk me and demand it's added immediately.

Advanced gaping? Yes. Same answer as above.

I'll talk about these in-depth later, cause these are whole topics. 

... and that's all for now!

This took a while cause of the community guidelines thing mentioned above, so I'm strapped for time. I just wanna thank everyone for following and supporting, and urge you to follow my Twitter in case something happens to my account here.

Thank you all for the holiday well-wishes and wholesome encouragement!!





Winking... ALL OF MY YES! YES!! YESSS!!! As well as staff twitching... gotta have that, too! 😁


Yesss Patreon alternative! Switching over immediately :)