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Okay folks! There's been a lot of progress, but it's all on the same, very technical topic. Plus, a thorough answer to the most frequently-asked question!

I have a coding stream starting in 30 minutes! If you miss the stream, VODS are also available. ('Videos' tab at the top.)

To new patrons: We’re in the middle of an absurdly-long update cycle. Here’s the summary and how to access content.

What's being worked on?

The simple explanation: 

Last week I talked about the display code, and what I'm doing with it. I am (thankfully) about 95% finished with it. Considering how intimidating it was, I'm proud as hell of that. I'll hopefully finish the rest on stream today and get to the debugging stage.

That'll mean we can move into testing the Actions system for the AI - a huge jump forward! Just a little more to go >.<;

A technical summary

All the game's primary display functions are running through the Event Buffer, which is being handled by the ECS* (see below for a glossary of terms lol). That includes all initialization of display objects. The database now stores display info in the same object types as the Event Buffer reads. Meaning you can essentially script what the game will display from the database, without ever needing code.

This is the biggest change in the code's design since swapping to an ECS. It's such an improvement. It's so gratifying to see my own improvement as a programmer pay off. For maybe the first time, this code is truly scalable. 

*Glossary of terms:

ECS = Entity Component System. An object in the game is broken up into lots of smaller pieces. Those pieces can be used modularly to build toys, clothing, full characters, or anything in between. You could stick a brain on clothing and make sentient panties if you wanted to >.>'

Event Buffer. Separates out logic and visuals. When something happens on the logic side (e.g. a peen becomes hard) it doesn't display that on-screen. Instead, it packages up a message (the 'event') and sends it off to the visuals system. At the end of the game tick, the visuals system reads all the messages it's gotten, and displays them all at once.

I promise we'll be talking about butts again someday soon.

The 7 day work week

This might sound nuts, but changing to a 7 day work week with fewer hours per day has been damn effective for me. Full-hour days are evidently a waste of time, because I get the same amount of work done in a reduced-hour day.

Routine is important. Without it I tend to fall apart into a pile of legos. This schedule makes days simple and predictable. It also makes work less of a looming responsibility, and instead just a morning task.

I don't know if I'd advise others to do this... it depends on what your needs are. My needs are consistency and regular off-time. Having my afternoons open has been enough to keep me replenished and healthy, despite working every day. 

Now to start working out in the mornings again :'(

Personal thoughts

I'm super stoked about where we're at in this process. I feel conflicted about displaying that excitement, considering how long things are taking. Everyone has seen indie game projects crash and burn at exactly this phase. And the devs always seem to be super optimistic and chipper until... poof. 

But it's hard not to gush about how substantial of an upgrade the new display code is. Whereas before, I'd often find myself asking "how am I gonna make this new thing work?", now the code's very design thoroughly answers that question, leaving no doubt and no strings left untied.

I'm not an expert in my field. But I think this kind of clarity and control is what comes from the journey toward becoming an expert. You start confused and lost, so you just work with whatever tools you can to make things happen. Eventually, you know enough to start making the tools work for you instead. 

All the game content I've made in the past has been done in that confused and lost state, struggling to get the game engine to do what I want. That's the content that y'all have played, and supported in the past. 

This (very long) dev cycle is bringing forth a game engine I don't feel lost or confused about. From where I'm sitting, it's like I can see the limits on my content and abilities being lifted. The potential far surpasses anything I've made before. It won't be an instant reward, but I'm excited af right now.

Put simply- sorry it's taking so long but also damn dude this is looking promising.


Can you release WIP versions of this so we can see what you're working on? 

Not yet. See this post for a general idea of the stages of production. We're in the Engine stage right now, which means it's legit just unplayable. It's like we've got the car's hood open and the parts strewn out all over the ground. It won't even start. 

The current task was an unexpected diversion in that roadmap. I was working on AI, and realized the display code couldn't handle being ordered around by an unpredictable AI. We're 95% of the way to being back on track.

When we reach the Content stage, that means the game's playable, but pretty empty. It'd be like, the car runs but it's just a frame and the engine. As soon as we hit this stage, I'll be releasing WIP builds as fast and often as I possibly can. 

The Cleanup stage will mean a freeze on content, and I may need to halt releasing builds for a bit to do the finishing touches. Maybe.

Then would be the official Release stage, where all the initial intended features are playable, and there's a healthy set of content (characters, toys, personalities, etc). 

After that, and some bug fixing, I'll be working on new features and new content with a focus on regular monthly releases.

That's all for now! 

Thank you peoples for your kindness and enthusiasm. I read all my comments and dms, and then shyly close them without responding. But I do read and appreciate them! >.>'

I'm super grateful for my patrons' support. What a weird but great job this is. Y'all are an awesome crew to have behind me during this process.




Finishing up a stage today... W00T!!! OH HELLZ YEAH!!! Still a ways to go, but this is a HUGE step forward. I'm very excited to see the finished v.39


lets goooo