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Yay! Update! This will probably be the last dev build before I put out a public release candidate. Most of the features I intended to package with the AJ public release are done. Huzzah!

username: patron
password: bugbutts

Get the zip here (10.4mb) - check the Readme if it's not working.

Quick changelog. I'll do a more diligent job with the upcoming release candidate's changelog. Most changes are obvious in-game, but here's what to expect:

  • Lover UI is pretty now. It gives visual indications of lover stats, and it's clear which meters go to which lover. It supports little profile pictures for the lovers, too, but none are added yet.
  • Abilities UI updated. It's less clunky and takes up less screen space.
  • Player's UI has a squished version to fit smaller screens.
  • Other visual UI improvements
  • Some more instructions added in mouseover texts.
  • Abilities tweaked to be more integrated into the gameplay. Still working on doing this well.
  • More balance adjustments - added more shields to Rarity, toned down the difficulty spike when the player orgasms, lover Buildup has a more significant effect on lover cum output and orgasm length, and mana points have been simplified.
  • Camera improvements - click and drag to move the camera around, scroll to zoom in and out. 

I'm going to do some better balance and gameplay testing in the next day or so. Probably add some more dialogue to AJ, fix up some Rarity animations, and call it ready to release to the public!

All of you supporting me are awesome and I love you. I hope the pace of updates has been good lately. I feel like I've been making a lot of progress, but sometimes it's hard to communicate that things are going well. 

Also I'm super excited to start showing off the Fluttershy and Pinkie art BB is working on. The Fluttershy rig is looking like it might be my favorite. :3





The UI changes look amazing! This just gets better every time I see an update.