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This Patreon has been hovering around the $500/month mark for a little while now, and now I think it's solidly past that. So, yay! It's a big milestone, and I'm both surprised and excited to have so much support from the community. Thank you all so much!

I've been streaming work on LC for a little while now and it's been a blast. I also started work with B.B. yesterday, and only good things have come of it so far (see the previous post). Streaming and hiring an artist were things I was planning on doing more around the $1000-1500 goal mark, but I couldn't help myself. Putting money into a quality artist for the game will be huge for its growth, I think. And streaming gives me a chance to socialize and stay motivated while working.

However, financially, it's more of a risk. I'm not doing much work on my day job right now, and am relying on money from my last project to carry me until this Patreon is bringing in enough to cover monthly living expenses + expenses incurred by my artist. However, I'm hopeful that this game's going to be a big thing, especially now that we have a B.B. on board. 

Minor Tier 1 Patron reward update - After thinking about this a bit, I've decided to get rid of the "early access to news/sneak peaks" for Tier 1 patrons. News and screenshots would better serve the game to be released publicly, and hopefully help gather more Patreon support, which will only help the game. You'll still get access to new alpha/beta builds a couple days early.

That's all for now! <3


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