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Thank you all for your support! I say it a lot, but the positive feedback and interest I've received is extremely encouraging.

As January comes to a close, I'm wrapping up one of the biggest projects I've ever done in my day job. This paycheck will fund my life for the next few months. While my progress on LC has ground to a halt in the last couple of weeks, this paycheck means very, very good things for LC in February.

The current build is a result of few hours per week coding, making art assets, and learning about game development. Starting very soon, I'll be able to afford to put a lot more time in. That means regular releases. If interest and support continues to grow, then I can actually justify turning down clients at my day job in favor of programming pony bums and stallion cocks. Which is, needless to say, awesome.

I'm not going to make any official announcement on this topic yet, but a potential collab with a well-loved pony artist is brewing for the future. It might be on LC, or some unannounced project. No specifics until I know it's happening for sure, but holy crap it is too exciting to keep to myself. Consider yourselves sufficiently teased. :3

Oh, and I've been typing away at a kinda-technical dev log too. Will post that somewhat soon. 




keep it up! LC is one of the ones i look forward to the most on the horizon!


Thank you! I'm stoked that so many people are this excited about the game, considering how early in alpha it is. &lt;3


I agree with Trance there, your game already looks super promising, even at this early stage


What happened to those great things in February?


:O March stole them! Been quietly working on getting together something actually playable. Turns out I suck at predicting how long something will take to make though &gt;.&lt;


Oh! That's fine, though. I was just poking you because I got worried you took the money and ran to Sri Lanka :P