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At my day job, we're launching our project next week, which means I'm in crunch mode. Even still, I had a moment of downtime while installing things, so I took a break to try out anal! In the game, I mean. :3

(See the attached screenshot) Since I can copy-paste bone keyframes, I was able to quickly create an anal loop and a double penetration loop. There are still some technical hurdles to how double penetration animations will be handled, but this is a promising start. 

Looks like the v0.03a release will include anal, and maaaaybe DP, if I get it to work right by then. The player should be able to add/remove either partner during DP without interruption.

I'm also looking into allowing the game to resize for smaller screens. One of the biggest challenges to this is actually just the time it takes me to make and wire up background and UI assets.

Also, I've got a pretty good system drawn up on paper on how to approach dynamic expressions and dialogue. Right now expressions are tied to animation loops, but the goal is to allow multiple factors to influence them. So, for example, the face the player's character makes every time her partner thrusts might get more intense and strained as she approaches orgasm. Expressions should also match whatever dialogue comes out of the character's mouth. 

Lastly, I've got plans drawn up for a slew of "game feel" features. They include fluid splattering and wetness, non-vocal sounds, a usable UI, and crunchy stuff to make orgasms more satisfying (in the vein of how other games approach gunshot or kill feedback). I'm excited about all this, but they're still lower priority than proper triple penetration and getting the Mane 6 into the game.

Oh, right, and I've got a great idea for the next game. I solemnly swear that I won't start developing on it until Love Collector reaches a full v1.0 release, but it'll be teasing me in my dreams until then.

That's it for now!




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