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It's a small update, but I've got the items system working properly now!



+ added two items: a plug that keeps almost 100% pressure cum in, and a vibrator that stimulates the player.

* fixed a bug where pressing the "Collect" button while a partner was cumming caused the partner to become stuck. 

The idea behind the vibrator is that it can be strategic - when the player orgasms, her current partner will cum very quickly. However, the player's orgasm also causes her to expel cum faster.

I think the mechanic is going to be better once anal stuff is implemented. E.g. the player could have a vibrator in the butt to make her orgasm faster while a partner is is occupying her pussy. 

Huge thanks to all my patrons, with an extra huge thanks to those at the 3rd tier. You brave/foolish/rich few make a massive difference <3



Keep up the good work! It'll be fun to watch the updates as they co... as they happen. :P


Found a bug: before I pressed reset when I collected, I clicked around and I clicked one of the potential stallions. Once I clicked restart the stallion became no longer clickable in the next round. But yea, great to see how far this has gotten in the past two months, keep up the good work Levi!


D: Quit breaking mah game! Er, I mean, thanks for the heads-up &lt;3


hehe, but it's fun to break stuffs then tell you how I break things~ :P Sure thing, it's good to catch things like this early


Updating this post so all patrons can see it &lt;3


Is there going to be any upgrade kind of system implemented? I.e. some of the 'love' you collected is given to you as a sort of fee, then you use that to pay for exercises or more detailed reports on the identities to unlock more things about them. Or even training from other collectors on techniques ranging from better muscle control to heat-like pheromones for more production, even hypnotizing repeat customers to make themselves more backed up. Stuff like that would add a bit more depth to the game, and kind of give a way to unlock other characters, instead of just pick a character and go.


Yep, so I haven't decided the specifics yet, but your round's score will be involved in unlocking new characters and (hopefully) upgrades as well. Not sure on the exact implementation yet since the gameplay is still in its infancy, but the types of upgrades you mentioned are on a list of features that are making into the game in some way :3


Great ...