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Sooo... this took longer than I wanted. 

This is a super-WIP test for an animated visual novel-style game. Basically just a proof-of-concept to test out its one-button mechanic. Right now it's just one scene. No navigation, no story, etc. Also the background is WIP lol.

When it's fleshed out, you'll be able to flip through multiple scenes (e.g. foreplay, boning, more boning, cumshot). The scenes will be part of a short story that follows one character along their lewd journey. And there'll be multiple short stories following different characters.

Each character will get involved in a different flavor of lewdness, e.g. gay stuff, bdsm... and kinks >:3

That's the idea!

Test it out here: dailevy.space/shf5/v001

username: patron

password: bugtits

I'm also attaching downloadable versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux to this post. 

I'm using a new game engine (Defold) in a new language (Lua) for the sake of having something more up-to-date and cross-platform. 

This should work on any screen size, and it's okay on mobile. Android performs well but is fussy on the controls. IOS controls fine but had low fps and no sound for my ancient ipad. No idea what it's like on newer devices. It'll get there! 

The cool thing about this is that it won't require much coding beyond getting the initial stuff working. That means I can do a bit of drawing/animating and I'll have an update ready to go, rather than spending weeks coding and debugging >.<

It's WIP as hell, but feedback is super appreciated!

... okay, back to Love Collector now :3


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