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Whew, been a while! As usual, there's a download attached to this post, and an online version. There's a readme to help if you get an error. Changelog here! 

Play: (allow Flash to run)


username: patron

password: latebug

Some cheats if you're lazy-

"U" - free energy (you still need to Collect it)

"N" - free fluid (same)

"A" - free skill point

don't hit other keys unless you want to see all the weird debugging shortcuts I added :3

Oh shoot, I forgot to update the patron thanks list. Will do that next time! You guys are the best. Keep letting me know about your feedback and ideas <3




Hi. I have a ultrawide screen (21/9 instead of 16/9) and some of the screen is hidden. (screen resolution : 2560*1080) <a href="https://puu.sh/B5uZ1/2b78e9b2ab.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/B5uZ1/2b78e9b2ab.png</a> <a href="https://puu.sh/B5v1Z/2dbed10184.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/B5v1Z/2dbed10184.png</a>


ahh, thanks for showing me. I'll look at fixing the camera for wider displays! In the meantime, it should function properly if you open the game in a 16/9 window.


After doing a bunch of collecting and trying to return to the title screen, the game just... stops at a grey screen. :/


hmm, haven't seen that one before. I'll see if I can recreate it. Thanks for letting me know!


I would recommend a way to tell the tier of the ponies in the "choose lovers" menu


Got weird visual glitch: <a href="https://puu.sh/B8mrc.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://puu.sh/B8mrc.png</a> It only happens on Rainbow Dash, as far as I'm aware.