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Heya everyone.

I don't remember when did I stopped working on the request queue from the old pledge system, but I realized that there are still some left in there, so I have decided to make it right and dedicate this month to finish them off.

If you are one of the Patrons with a request up there, please accept my apology for making you wait for like a year already, and I'll make sure you'll see it finished by the end of this month.

The thing is I will start a kind of remote work this month (since my Patreon work doesn't really go well in my professional folio) so I will focus my future spare time on tying up loose ends from the past so I don't feel like I'm leaving anything behind. 

It means that huge WIP folder will start being finished up, including 2 request from the last R*ffle  years ago that I also promised to do.

I'm still not sure when I'll ever open up a request again considering how much busier I'll become, and I prefer to go towards bigger personal projects such as doujins or gasp, a game?? But we'll just see how it goes.




I thought I was forgotten,Thank you, rx26. Remember my request

Tipo Roo

It's alright, things happen and life gets in the way at times. I know the art will look awesome as always either way! ^u^


I'll look forward for all the art you'll do ❤️