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You may remember a thing I made last year which was a massive batter creature made out of....baseball players. Well that was fun, so let's make more?? This time it's the bikers turn to be amalgamated into, obviously, a motorcycle!

This actually had started long ago as some random quick conceptual sketch, but it worked so well and people over at Discord seems to like it so it just kept escalating until I end up fully rigged and animated it and here we are!

There's no "NSFW" because I might as well put this on my professional folio, but you do exclusively get this in HD as well as another version that's just slightly more...bumpy. Go check it out in the $2.5 Folder!

PSD file is in the $7.5 Folder as usual too. I've also put the AEP file for those of you who has the program and wanna play around with my rig. You do need to download a plugin called duIK to make it work, though.





LOLOL, some of them look like they no longer give a crap xD


It's a symbolism on our day job and how we slave away to run the wheel of the system