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Hi everyone. I'd like to announce some slight changes that I will do to my Patreon starting from next month, which you might've noticed already from the pledge banner on the side.

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Perhaps the biggest change is that unfortunately I will be disabling the request queue from the $10++ pledges. Part of my 2019 resolution is that I'd like to finally clear up that pile of unfinished WIP's, so that I may explore other, bigger projects such as doujins, animation or perhaps, *gasp* games. So I'd like to close off any upcoming requests until I can clear the WIPs up, at least.

If you already have a request in the queue, don't worry, I will continue finishing it up as one of my WIPs. If you pledged $10/20, I will continue to progress your request according to your pledge.

This change will happen next month, so this month will be the last chance for you to make a request if you've made a $10++ pledge with the intention of getting in the queue.

I may open some other alternatives in the future once I feel more freed up. I might open a commission pricing separate from the pledges, or maybe make a suggestion channel in my discord so I can pick based on votes/personal choice instead, with a more flexible quality standard.

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Reward Expiration limit has been reduced to 6 months. I always feel like this membership system of giving access to all 1 year of content for just one pledge is prone to abuse and a bit unfair to loyal pledgers who've pledged for every month. I've always wanted to reduce it, so I feel like 6 months might be fair for now.

To help with this, I will start populating a Gumroad store with a selection of my past works as an alternative from the $10++ pledge. I never really considered Gumroad because I heard they don't like NSFW contents, but it seems NSFW people still keep using it with no problem so I'll give it a try.

$50 Patrons will also now only have access to 1 year worth of reward by request instead of access to every single one of them. I've been in Patreon for 4 years by now and I don't think I can give access to all of that for that price anymore now.

Again, this change will only happen next month, so if there's anything you like that's older than 6 months from now, you can download it now before it becomes inaccessible next month.


Sorry for any inconvenience this causes, but all in all, if you've been keeping track of my old works, and are not interested in request, then this shouldn't concern you. It's just business as usual, and hopefully it can let me produce even bigger stuff in the future!




I wish WIPs felt like that one on me <3 hahaha good choices, good luck with everything =D


Kinda sad to see these changes, (not the requests, you were way too cheap with that anyway haha) it's your work so you can do what you like and think makes the most sense to you but I've never been a fan of the whole "viewing content is a reward" idea, rather I think the rewards should be like the psd's/discord/other things but I think the whole past content should be available at the lowest (or just like $5) tier or free even if it may be abused. Only free for non nsfw artists though, otherwise you'll have bots grabbing it, so I wouldn't expect it of you. I honestly think it's less likely to be abused and you'll attract more people the more open you make it, like piracy, the more drm the more likely someone is to want to break it and the less you spread your name and make it popular. Patreon should be like Imo "oh you wan't to support me, thanks, here look at all the other stuff that I've done since you like it" rather than "here's what I do, pay this to get this, here's what it costs" it may sound similar but that way the payment is for the artist rather than paying to see the work itself. which I think is the point of this website, and the actual word patron, to pay so you can be free to continue what you like to do and hone your craft. Sorry for the rant, just my thoughts, digital art is a funny area that doesn't really have any historical context to base it on, nsfw art even more so.


That has nothing to do with the change though ^^; I have always been very lenient in sharing my content. Every single one of my work since my first day of Patreon IS available to browse for free in my Pixiv (and Tumblr before it exploded) with minimum censorship. There are many already established NSFW artists in Patreon for context, and majority of them would not even share their reward outside Patreon, or if they do, it's heavily censored and cropped. My Patreon has always been just for the extra, higher quality and more NSFW pics, and this part will not change. If you're worried that I'll suddenly delete my Pixiv and Twitter, don't worry that wouldn't happen. ^^; I try my best to strike a balance between reward and free content, but unfortunately PSD/Discord/other things are generally not enough incentive for most people to pledge.


I'm pretty sure I've been a supporter since you opened your Patreon. The requests ant whatnot are certainly a much appreciated perk but whether it's a requested piece or not, you always produce very high quality and appealing content. I've advocated in the past that you should certainly spend more time focusing on those areas that you're really passionate about. My stance hasn't changed. Looking forward to what you produce in the future.


Thanks, I'm really glad to have loyal supporter like you :)