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Okay, so I've came back from my trip and found this email from Patreon, asking me to remove the raffle aspect of my reward. Apparently it is actually not allowed according to the Terms of Use, so I guess I've missed it (it's not like we don't actually read those, right?)

I can understand the reasoning behind this is to prevent gacha a.k.a gambling type of reward where people may spend a lot of money and still end up getting nothing. In my case, my system actually puts people who pledge less at an advantage, since everyone can partake in the raffle, and as you can see I end up spending more time doing the monthly raffle than the $50 requests that people actually pay extra to get.

This has been an issue for a while and with this notification coming around, I think it's about time to take the unfortunate action: From this month on, there will be no more monthly raffles.

Instead, if there's something you absolutely want me to draw but don't want to spend $50 right away, I have decided to re-open the commission slot for $10 and $20 tiers. These tiers will now work by steps : Sketch - Lineart - Color - Shading -BG/Effects/Finishing. What this means is that if you pledge $10, you will only get a sketch this month. Then if you continue the pledge next month, you can continue it to lineart (or straight to color if you're okay with the sketch), or you can ask for another sketch. $20 works similarly but you get 2 steps right away, and $50 tier remain a full commission slot.

The tiers, goal and the queue in the $5 folder has been updated to reflect these changes. I will still do the promised 2 more picks from August's Raffle, as well as the top poll picks, but from there on I will do the commission sequentially as usual.

I do will miss all the random and new characters that you guys introduced to me through the raffle, and I may make a "suggestion" system in the future (or you guys can just chat about them through PMs or in Tumblr), but for now I'd like to focus more on my never-ending list of personal WIPs and the commissions people have been so patiently waiting for.

So tl;dr, no more raffles, new commission system. Sorry and hope you can understand.




As far as I remember that no-raffles rule is not exactly new, probably since last year.


The poll system seems like the best way to go


I will consider something like it, but for now I want to just focus on my already endless pile of WIPs XD