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Sorry for no updates in a while, I had to work on a lot of side-stuff animations and they weren't too exciting to share, but just know I am still working!

Some info: The idea is that there will be a hidden switch on the road, if you step on it, this slimewall pops up to block you.
At the same time the FemSlime will spawn behind you and slowly crawl towards you.
You can either choose to break the wall by hitting it, or risk walking through and see what happens!




It looks amazing as always! I already can't wait for the release of the next level to play! 🦜


Is the download link in the about section up to date?


ohh damn yea that about page is pretty outdated, I will work on it immediately. The newest download link is the one from summer here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-update-2-v4-85591120