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Is this demon Lu or our Lu?

Alyson Greaves

Oh my god the little horns


Oh dear. I can only wonder how many years it's been since they banished the wrong Lu.



Erin Brioche

I guess the plus side of being a demon is getting to rock cool looks at a service job


Aw, that guy in the last panel is tying to sing "Ring Around the Rosie." How sweet!


ah, timeskip. when i first saw this, I thought this page was going to be about where Demon Lu was before she figured out how to escape Hell and switch places with our Lu.


Does Alura stop by Taco Baco on rare occasions? Or is fast demon food a little too unhealthy for her taste and she just sticks to a demon vegan diet?


I assume it's months and not years. 1) because that's too depressing for this tone and 2) I assume Lu's friends would catch on by then. Even if the demon has all the memories they have a much different personality and priorities.


The taco bacos (and other fast food establishments) are only there to tempt and inevitably crush the human souls who crave them. Though since moving topside, Alura has become a fast food fan.


fan of their flavor and dishes or their method of tempting and crushing the human spirit?


The flavor hahaha. Alura is pretty okay on humans. The fast food on earth of course is only sometimes known the crush the human spirit.


Does location have the Choco Baco? I heard they discontinued it up top recently.


They have every hidden menu item EVER. Only problem is, it’s all ash.


"...even though I have refound my greatest love, it has lost the flavor it once gave me. And no matter how much Baco add-ons or ways I eat it, it'll never scratch that joyful itch it once gave me. Truly this is the cruelest circle of Hell." *QUEUE THE GUTS THEME* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpVH_lcACAY