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I've always disliked "99 cents" pricing. But you know what sucks? It works. So, plus the fact that YouTube forces my memberships to cost $x.99 anyway, I'm moving my tiers to 99 cent style pricing.

Because Patreon won't let you change prices of existing tiers, I've just made the existing tiers "unlisted" so no one loses their rewards, discord roles, etc--you don't have to do anything! You can switch to the new Sneak Peek or Accredited Patron roles if you want to save 1 cent though!

Another tip I've seen lately, one I'm slightly skeptical about, is raising the minimum price to at least $3. In the interest of half-assing things, I've instead left the lowest tier as $1.99, and since Parker Picture albums  are delivered to "all patrons" anyway, even people who pledge a lower amount and don't pick a tier will still be receiving them.  I'm not a big fan of raising prices but still can pledge a lower amount and the idea seems to be people just pick the lowest option that seems reasonable to them.

Also again, if you pledged only $1 you're still grandfathered in to the old tier and old pricing, so nothing changes for you!

YouTube Memberships I'm leaving at 99 cents for the lowest tier so it's as cheap as possible to spam our stupid emojis in livestreams. I'd connect Patreon to that if I could, but I can't.


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