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First let me put out a big thanks to my current 49 patrons, and also to the 121 total patrons I've had over the years!

Materially, thanks to your support I've been able to keep up with hardware upgrades--just this month I'll be getting a new CPU for higher quality streams and faster encodes! Early on I was deathly afraid to spend any kind of money on my content, waiting far, far too long to even get a decent mic! Quality's really improved due to more freedom on that front, so I'm really grateful. 

Emotionally, it's been fantastic to be with so many of you. Our Discord server is my favorite place on the web to be, and I owe a lot of that to many of my great patrons!

And finally, a thank you to everyone who's donated, shared my content, or even just watched and enjoyed, Patron or no. I know not everyone can support via patreon, but it's a great feeling and great help when people do!

Also, there might be a new Patron reward coming soon, you might have heard me talk about it in a stream or the discord, but that's for another post...


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