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New little video about Kropotkin's views on revolution. It takes me a huge amount of time to research and write big videos, let alone books. Going forward I'll be making lots of bite-sized videos so there's regular content whilst I work on mega projects.


Kropotkin and International Revolution

my book - https://www.akpress.org/means-and-ends.html UK shipping - https://www.akuk.com/means-and-ends-the-revolutionary-practice-of-anarchism-in-europe-and-the-united-states.html audiobook - https://tantor.com/means-and-ends-zoe-baker.html Cahm, Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism - https://libcom.org/library/kropotkin-rise-revolutionary-anarchism-1872-1886-caroline-cahm Direct Struggle Against Capital - https://libcom.org/article/direct-struggle-against-capital-peter-kropotkin-anthology the best edition of Words of a Rebel - https://pmpress.org.uk/product/words-of-a-rebel/ https://patreon.com/anarchopac https://www.instagram.com/anarchozoe/ https://twitter.com/anarchopac


Ken Syme

Thanks for this: as one who listens to Radio 4 but does not shop at Waitrose, and counts Kropotkin as a hero - "Memoirs of a Revolutionist" was the first significant political book I read - it brought me back to my roots. How we move forward nor, with a choice between two Conservative parties, remains problematic.