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Hi everyone,

This month I made a 40 minute video about anarchism and democracy. It covers what historical anarchists thought about democracy and how they made collective decisions.

Over the several months since my last update I've been very busy and so forgot to update my patreon supporters on what I have been up to and have planned. I have made the following 9 videos,

1. Fun Kropotkin Facts

2. When Malatesta First Met Bakunin

3. When Malatesta Got Shot

4. Anarchism as a Way of Life

5. Bakunin Was a Racist

6. Pastries, Freedom and Love: a Malatesta Story (short animated film)

7. Louise Michel Was Chaotic Good

8. Wild Anarchist Hot Takes

9. Anarchists are not naive about human nature

I also appeared on three podcasts,

1. Lessons from Anarchist History on It's Going Down

2. Guide to Malatesta's Anarchist Programme on SRSLY WRONG

3. Tech Empire Podcast

I passed my PhD revisions and am now officially a Dr (although please don't call me Dr Baker). I've been spending most of my time working on my book, which is a history of the revolutionary strategy of anarchism. This required me converting the text from a PhD thesis into a book which would be accessible to a wide audience, including people who've never read anything about anarchism. This has been completed and I have signed a book contract with AK press. The book should be released in 2023. I will update everyone as more details emerge.

Am currently beginning the process of researching anarchism in Latin America and Asia in depth so I can make videos summarising the history. This is a slow process as it requires me making very detailed notes but will enable me to make lots of videos about it.

Thanks so much for supporting me and making my book and these videos possible.


Mihail Busteaga

Congratulations on the PhD, Zoe.

Roger C Walker

Congrats on finishing your doctorate!