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Hi everyone,

In November I uploaded 4 videos. These were,

1. How Malatesta responded to being a celebrity 

2. Kenyon Zimmer on the history of anarchism 

3. When Goldman and Kropotkin argued about sex 

4. Kenyon Zimmer on Yiddish and Italian Anarchism

I recorded a podcast episode with Southpaw. It covers what anarchism is, how anarchism arose historically, what anarchists thought about anti-imperialism, the history of the term communism, feminism and identity politics. The conversation was so long that it should be 2 episodes and will be released in a few weeks due to how long it'll take to edit the audio. I will be uploading mirrors on my channel.

In my previous update I said I'd written a response video on reform vs revolution which I'd release soon. This is a response to contrapoints. I've written a 4,000 word draft but I don't think its good enough yet. I want anybody to be able to understand what I'm saying and at the moment its more for an audience of anarchists, than for an audience of liberals. I'm trying to improve it and release it as quickly as possible during December. After its completed my next long video will be a response video about platformism. I will also be recording some shorter videos of me reading out obscure historical anarchist documents.

Thanks so much for making this work possible.


Tyler Davis

I think that is a wise plan for a contrapoints video. It could pick up a lot of traffic, and while you will no doubt get some strange responses to it. It could be valuable vector for more liberal minded folks to do a deep drive on anarchism if the vid can catch their imagination.

Sebastian Fuchs

Really looking forwards to the platformist video and the reform and revolution video