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Hi everyone! I hope your week has been going well.

As some of you might have seen, yesterday I posted a design for the Espeon & Umbreon Valentine's Day Nekomon Pin and asked you all for some good critique on how to improve the idea.

After some very helpful comments and a little brainstorming of my own, I went back to the drawing board and this is what has come out of it. I tried to stick to the Neko Astume style that Nekomon was based on, but instead give it a bit of my own flair in it.

I quite fancy both designs and am almost wanting to do more of them, but sticking with these two for now due to finances! 😅 😇 

I would love to know what you think about the designs up above. I would also love to know what other couples you would think would suit this Nekomon Valentine's Style. Let me know in the comments below!

Special thank you goes out to those who have helped me with their kind critiques~!

PS. Pin Reveal for January will be coming very soon!



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