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Here's the download for the Power Plant & Wind Turbines I created in episode 8 of the create series!

To use this, you need to:

- Install worldedit, whether that being the mod for singleplayer, or the plugin for on a server

- Paste the file in the "schematics" folder ("\.minecraft\config\worldedit\schematics" for singleplayer, "\plugins\WorldEdit\schematics" for a server)

- Type "//schem load <schematic name>"

- Type "paste" where you want to paste the build!

If you are having any trouble, feel free to contact me here!




It Looks awesome! It does look like a lot of the underground parts are cut off though! but its easy enough to figure out


Ahhhh I forgot about that, my apologies. I'll update the upload when I get home, I'll reply to this comment when it's done