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Here's the download for the Lumber Mill I built in episode #3 of my Create Mod series!

To use this, you need to:

- Install worldedit, whether that being the mod for singleplayer, or the plugin for on a server

- Paste the file in the "schematics" folder ("\.minecraft\config\worldedit\schematics" for singleplayer, "\plugins\WorldEdit\schematics" for a server)

- Type "//schem load <schematic name>"

- Type "paste" where you want to paste the build!

If you are having any trouble, feel free to contact me here!




Just wanted to let you know that none of the treefarm contraptions copied with the schematic... You have to turn them off or they wont copy (ive done it countless times lmao). Love the build though!


For the create builds you should use the built-in Create schematic. It works with contraptions better.