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Happy New Year everyone!

I wanted a post to share some of my thoughts, as we head into the new year. And while I might overshoot, I think 2023 will be an amazing year for a lot of reasons, but most relevantly, I think LoRG will finish in 2023.

It's honestly scary for me to think about it. This story changed my life. And I'll have to keep changing without it.

Now, don't worry, I'm not rushing toward an ending just to be finished. My (rough) calculations put me finishing about Chapter 2550, which will probably be the end of next year. But I definitely feel much better about the writing process, feeling like the goal is within sight.

A few announcements.

First, I'll be slowing down to six chapters a week on Patreon. I basically did it about 50% of the time at the end of the year anyway, so I figured I would make it official. With the drop, I'm going to try and nail down more reliable release days. I suspect it will end up being Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

But also, I want to stick the landing. I want the ending of LoRG to live up to the YEARS long imagining I've done.

Second, I have a few last signed books I need to finally ship. I'll get those out in January.

Third, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read the story and enjoyed it. Y'all are why I keep going. It's insane how much content I've produced for this series as I wander around, trying to have fun in an imaginary world.

Okay, let's reconvene tomorrow. 

Let's enjoy one last year together. 

P.S.: (Feel free to also read my next projects kthx)



Any ideas about what your next project will be puddles?


2550 as the end when we are at 2250 now? That's what, 300 chapters? Either some major powerups are coming or i call bs