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Sorry y'all, preparing to leave for my trip ended up consuming me this weekend. But I do have the week entirely plotted out already.

A reminder that timings will be quite weird for the next two weeks: I'll be in a very different timezone. Chapters should come out tomorrow night, but then it might be a bit until I'm settled in.

And also, torturing y'all by delaying Sulfur's evolution notification brings me joyyyyy.



Cliffhangers only make me stronger Puddles. Also quick (not so quick as it turns out :D) theorizing I wonder how much of this memory stuff will actually end up affecting the past because if it's strong enough to affect nether it's strong enough to affect the real world in my opinion. Perhaps all the people involved will get the memories of what Randidly did or perhaps the image is so strong it somehow merges the timelines. Or maybe since nether embodies significance Randidly will affect the past through that. There probably hasn't been a precedent for a Nether King traveling a perfect replica of the past in a massive and perfect image world. At least not in the Nexus as far as we've seen. Or it's some kind of half true/half illusionary world where it partially affects the world but not all the way. Would be funny if the people Randidly kills here in the memory but didn't actually die in real life suddenly get massive life threatening wounds out of nowhere and they're like wtf just happened haha. What Randidly has been able to accomplish here isn't something a mere image should be able to give and there's been things like gaining a herald and seeing Pine's energy (which I need to check but if I recall Randidly even said that energy didn't even exist in the memory originally) which definitely shouldn't be able to be accomplished under normal circumstances. The herald even said Randidly shouldn't try to cheat nether with fake heralds when he thought Randidly was making connections out of nowhere but shouldn't that apply to him? But that's clearly not the case.


Plus the memories are so stable at this point that Randidly's full strength attack doesn't just immediately obliterate it anymore (this stability was gained by Randidly's Nether lets keep in mind) and even if Randidly doesn't quite yet have pinnacle level images or the strongest form of Nether King he's pretty damn close on both accounts and with all his other advantages I have a hard time believing he isn't already on par with "normal strength" pinnacle level combatants (whatever that means lol maybe those who reached it with external means). What kind of illusion could withstand that kind of strength albeit with Randidly needing to fix it asap and also able to simulate multiple other pinnacle or very near combatants as well? Also from the last chapter quote "I need a method to gather more power. Something… undeniable. The vehemence of the thought made Cerulean shiver, and not with pleasure. Because as he thought it, he was aware of an echo of that thought from another version of himself coming to that same conclusion." And then later "…yet from the other personality's obvious preoccupation with pointlessly striking the Hungry Eye, it was clear the thought hadn’t come from him. Cerulean frowned. But… I surely felt myself thinking the same thing in a different place. Who else could the thought have come from?" .... Could it be the Cerulean construct felt echoes of the real version who thought the same thing in the past? ......... *brain implodes*