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Normally I'd let the day go without a post, but I have good news: about half of the signed books shipped today! The delivery for those ranged (some domestic US and some international) from about next monday to the following Monday.  I got everyone who sent me their new address by today at 2 PM local (about seven and a half hours ago).

So follow up for the rest of you: Patreon's visual update included hiding your addresses, if you had them displayed previously. I should have sent the people who ordered a book a message about an address. If I didn't, feel free to send me a message with your updated information.

=| (This was my face when I went to double check the addresses before sending the books and they had all vanished)

I'll be away this weekend to clear my mind a bit, but I'll send out the rest next Wednesday! 

But man, y'all were right about international shipping costs! For those of you in Australia and New Zealand, I wonder if you would mind waiting two more months. I'll be visiting Australia in the fall and will just bring your books in my bag and ship them from there.

Either way, its great to finally have this mostly completed! 


Killer Pickle

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi


hahah! bringing the books in the luggage, classic. i feel like there’s a disproportionate amount of australians that like litrpg