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Hello all!

I wanted to inform you of some upcoming changes for the month of June. 

Namely, I will (at least temporarily) remove the tier system. The reason is that, for the time being, I don't think I can really offer something that differentiates the higher tiers from the lower ones, without it being a lot of extra work for myself.

So, starting from June, all posts will be visible by all Patrons, and there won't be any more differences in what each Tier offers.
I will keep the tiers there, so that if anyone wants to offer more than the base 2€, they can, but it will only be an optional higher tip and not linked to an actual higher reward.

With tiers gone, I will keep the monthly artwork suggestions system, but it will probably only be one pick every month.

Speaking of this, keeping track of all past suggestions is starting to become a bit overwhelming. So, I will change the system, and every month I will ask for new suggestions. You will be able to suggest the same thing every month if you want, but I strongly recommend also sending fresh new suggestions every month to keep things interesting. And yes, this means that with this change everyone will be able to send multiple suggestions! 

As with any change, I understand this might make someone unhappy, but I'm doing my best to make ends meet here, and admittedly Patreon isn't helping as much as I hoped it would. 

I will still upload all commissions and any and all personal art here in high resolution of course, so in the end, not much will actually change in terms of how much art is uploaded, but I still want to be open and transparent on any changes and the reasons behind them.

As always, open to comments and suggestions. Love you guys!


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