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Hey all, I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to support me. I was prepared to see a lot of people cancel pledges before April 1st, and I would have completely understood given how much coronavirus-related job insecurity there is right now - but I'm blown away by how many people have stayed on, and it's very heartening for me in the midst of a lot of struggle to continue creating things. I'm going to keep that firmly in mind as I keep pushing through the lows of isolation.

Also, I should add - I 100% understand if you need to cancel your pledge for any reason. I'd just really appreciate if you could either use the exit survey to give your reason, or just let me know in a DM - just so I don't have to worry about if I offended you personally or something other than just pulling back on patreon support to stay safe financially.

Whatever happens, your support means so much to me, both financial and social pick-me-ups in either DMs or on my patron discord, and I'll keep doing my best to keep using my skillset to put stuff out there to brighten people's days, even if it means resting more deliberately and frequently to maintain my mental health.

Keep on keeping on!!





Keep doing what you do!