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Hey gang! I've got some news on new stuff I'm doing with Patreon starting this month!


  • $10 patrons and up now get stickers and the occasional mini-print mailed to them each month!
  • Going forward, all new patrons at the $10, 25, and 50 tiers will be asked if they want to provide a mailing address, and I'll contact all existing patrons on those tiers to ask if they want to provide a mailing address for snail mail envelope.
  • On the 10th of every month, I'll send a letter to every mail club member containing the following:
    - At least 1 furry kink-themed sticker (2-4 most likely) before it appears in my etsy shop (https://www.etsy.com/shop/jimbohusky)  (think this kinda thing! https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4i4it0bs27ca4n/Screenshot%202019-09-07%2021.31.17.png?dl=0 )
    - A discount code for my store that'll get you 10% off other existing merch (changes periodically so I can keep it exclusive to patrons)
    - And a little thank-you doodle!
  • If you join after the 10th when I've already sent out that month's letters, you'll get some extra stuff next month!
  • You can also opt out of getting added to the mail club, and just continue to enjoy the 10% commission discount and monthly shout-outs.
  • September's stickers will go out on the 16th, so update your address on Patreon before then if you want in on the first batch of stickers!


  • Starting this month, I'm going to do all $25 and $50 tier patron sketches on my stream at http://picarto.tv/jimbohusky over one weekend.
  • I'm also going to record the whole sketch stream, and upload it to vimeo for anybody who misses the stream! https://vimeo.com/jimbohusky
  •  I'll reach out to all my sketch tier patrons again a few days before each stream to get your prompts! 
  • If you join a sketch tier after the monthly stream, or don't provide me a sketch prompt before the stream, we'll just roll over that month's sketches to the following month.
  • Patron sketches will still be in their own special queue - I'll do them all in a weekend in the middle of each month. If you'd like to commission a regular, non-stream sketch from me, you can go through my usual commission process at http://jimbohusky.weebly.com
  • September's sketch stream will be the weekend of Friday 13th, Saturday the 14th, and Sunday the 15th!
  • Also, just a heads up - after this month, I may cap off the number of patrons I'll take on the $25 and $50 tier if I find I've got too many sketches to do in one weekend, so might wanna get on it if you've been thinking about it! If that happens, I'll add more ways to get art from me other than sketches, such as more stickers and buttons and mini-prints.

Got any questions? Feel free to message me here on Patreon, DM me on twitter @jimbohusky, or shoot me an email at jimbohuskyart@gmail.com !



Mild heads up, the etsy link is broken because of the parenthesis on the end!