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So I played an hour of vanilla Morrowind to wind down after yesterday's patron sketch stream, and did a couple bits of art to hype it up! Gonna do a semi-IC playthrough as Theophilus the komodo dragon to give myself some inspo for personal art. Theo is an unarmed, unarmored alchemist who defeats foes by getting jacked as hell via strength potions.

Not the most exciting game, but it got me started on using Vimeo - I'll keep uploading my recorded streams to Vimeo as patron-exclusives for the foreseeable future!


Jimbo Plays Morrowind, Ch.1 - The Rise of Theophilus

Wanted to relax after a ~7 hour sketch stream, so i went ahead and started that semi-IC Morrowind playthrough with my komodo dragon OC Theophilus. Patrons will get early notice of stream times and early looks at recordings at patreon.com/jimbohusky!


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