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Nami voice actresses for the audition (2)  need a whole week to deliver their work and this is the only remaining part for the post-production to be finished and post it.

Then what will we do in this whole week? Finishing the Bleach Visual novel and post it along with the Nami animation!!

I'll make sure all time spent in the visual novel is totally worthy in this whole week.

Then we'll have nothing else pending to do so we can start over with a fresh min

I always worked with comics with that annoyance of not knowing what it could be like to make a new Visual novels or Animation, somehow I've done them before (a18 meets krillin Vn and18 and trunks anim) and I wanted to try them again in like 2 years later.

Since april we haven't released anything and this is basically what I also wanted, taking a break from doing comics after comics to tdo something else and hink about the path as a creator,

If I ever start doing comics again it will be way better than before.

See you next week!



So the Bleach visual novel will be released next week along with the Nami animation. that's true friend Pinkpawg?


So looking forward for the Bleach novel!