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May is for maids!

By the way, recently the comments system seems to have been a little buggy. Particularly long comments seem to get flagged as spam, and I also think the comment chain gets broken if people delete and repost their messages so please just stick to Editing your existing comment if you wanna update something or add refs etc. If there's any doubt as to whether your comment has gone through, please send me a message!

Submissions opened at 04:50am BST on May 19th 2021.

Submissions closed at 08:41am BST on May 23rd 2021.

Also, as mentioned in https://www.patreon.com/posts/monthly-fanart-51233323 , I'll be skipping June's vote, so this is your last chance to get someone submitted until July's!


This being a themed month, the winning character will end up wearing a maid outfit. As such, if you have an image of one you like the look of that'd be a great help, or they have a canon outfit that they've already worn in their franchise of origin, that'd be perfect - but if not, no worries: an outfit will be appointed to them. ;)


* Please leave a comment here or send me a private message containing your preferred character and their franchise of origin. You're also welcome to mention any neat ideas you have, reasons why your character would be a good choice, etc. Who knows, maybe you'll catch someone's attention and get some extra votes?
* You must provide at least one reference image - official artwork is best. Try searching for "(character) official art" or "(character) model sheet". It's very useful for the reference to be in colour. The voting sheet will be made using the references I receive. I'd rather the primary reference image not be of the character already in bondage - the voting sheet is more fair if all of the characters are similarly presented; please try to use a plain image with a simple pose that shows the character clearly.


*One character only, though if they are part of a tight-knit group or perhaps have an arch-nemesis, then there's no harm in mentioning this. ;)
*Original characters are allowed, but should ideally be your own. If they do not belong to you, then I will need the owner to confirm with me directly that they are happy for their character to be submitted, and this would need to be done within the submissions window.
*Previously drawn winners are on a cooldown timer of 6 months for 1st place wins. Runner-ups can be resubmitted.




My oc, Katherine https://www.dropbox.com/s/etwqzqmrzlq8zu8/Katherine.jpg?dl=0

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Garnet from Steven Universe (https://www.google.com/search?q=garnet+universe&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS780US780&oq=garnet+iniverse&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i13j0i13i30l4.7709j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=XeV853UphD7RFM)

Ian Peterson

Okay, I’ll like Aeria in a Victorian maids outfit https://www.struts.co.uk/party-fancy-dress-shop/images/adult-victorian-maid-costume_01.jpg and she’s being tied by Wossy in the Prussian uniform, and here’s a new picture since more people wanted a full body pic of the uniform https://i.pinimg.com/originals/48/cb/26/48cb268ff19d5ccc660829c3d6143d47.jpg

Ian Peterson

Here’s a better picture of a full uniform https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=2048x2048:format=jpg/path/s3e0473b076e80da1/image/i8f312486c38858e9/version/1520198940/image.jpg


Demon Lord Milim from (blahblahblah) Reincarnated as a slime https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tensei-shitara-slime-datta-ken/images/7/74/Episode_16.png/revision/latest?cb=20190123162605


Lady Dimitrescu http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/pZVMTWc7TgFYAosDjmUnPT.jpg https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/residentevil/images/9/9f/Alcina_Dimitrescu_render.png/revision/latest?cb=20210208033812 I think she'd look real hot as a maid and maybe if this gets the coveted #1 spot you could include her daughters as little maids in a chain gang as they tidy up the house for the "ceremony"? (I have no idea what actually happens in RE8 as I haven't played it or experienced it at all besides the trailers. Maybe if someone has a better idea they can add to it)


I'm going to suggest Rae - https://www.deviantart.com/wagglingmermaid/art/Happy-Bubbly-Noises-854055585 - for something a bit different, with permission of course. She does have a maid outfit as well - https://www.deviantart.com/saunterwing/art/Fanart-Rae-s-Mermay-mashup-878482529 - although it can be a bit hard to see the details. A mermaid maid seems fun. And if the tail is a problem, she does have legs at times - https://www.deviantart.com/wagglingmermaid/art/Admiring-Her-Heels-809755338 Given her nature, her trying to be a maid that cleans up and instead makes an even bigger mess as she happily waggles along seems like a decent scenario


Chihiro Komiya from Shonen Maid. https://shounen-maid.fandom.com/wiki/Chihiro_Komiya


Could be a lot of fun to do something with Joelle Jones' design for Catwoman, maybe done up as a maid in Wayne Manor to keep her out of trouble for a night? https://www.midtowncomics.com/images/PRODUCT/XL/1823838_xl.jpg https://ik.imagekit.io/bustmag/images/articles/33833/photos2018/CATW_2_2_26baf.jpg https://mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com/cqhiHLc.WqA8~2eefa/w:600/h:1034/q:75/https://bleedingcool.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/CatNC_1w_5aff8d44df2f61.80111582.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/63/20/3b632021ce301c886488fca31c9fa5ab.jpg https://i.redd.it/t5kojdlzs2g21.jpg


As a big fan of we-r-nomad, I am going to suggest his main squeeze Uhura from Star Trek, in his style. (The direct pic links are huge. so here's the pages) https://www.deviantart.com/we-r-nomad/art/Maid-Again-512707962 https://www.deviantart.com/we-r-nomad/art/Plato-s-Stepdaughter-02-660355330


Judith from Tales of Vesperia wearing her Glamorous Maid costume https://i.pinimg.com/originals/69/7a/1f/697a1f082ff5b8a58764e751a6297878.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/28/7f/0b/287f0b57d870f38e5f52f1c8bb8b217c.jpg


I'd like to nominate Elise Starseeker from Hearthstone. Not only is she a blue/purplish-skinned elven with good looks, thus easy on the eyes. She is also the annoying know-it-all of a small group of adventurers. She is constantly telling the others what to do, or rather what not to do. Being forced to wear a maid uniform might teach her some humility. https://images.footballfanatics.com/FFImage/thumb.aspx?i=/productimages/_3663000/ff_3663947-46cfc85bec27eb6834ff_full.jpg&w=900


Hi, I've sent you a private message about this submission. Please get back to me asap, thanks!


Low chances, but I'm gonna throw up my OC Silver https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/667570044536094720/845352488524578856/Silver_maid_color.png


I'll throw in Ashe from Overwatch https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/overwatch/images/c/c1/Ashe_portrait2.png/revision/latest?cb=20181106125518 She has a robot butler named B.O.B, so maybe she gets replaced to the maid for awhile, with some nice robot like restraints and maid dress

Momo Trotro

I'll suggest Zelda from Breath of the Wild. I think her dress is ideal for a bondage maid conversion, similar to maid Elsa previously. Those sleeves would be a great armbinder, tweaking the collar and skirt and switch the thingy in the belt with an apron, add some ballet boots and replace the tiara with a headdress, then bam. A panel gag with feather duster would be a nice touch too. https://e-hentai.org/s/60059849a6/1459108-51 https://e-hentai.org/s/5f555e5a50/1459108-52


Submissions are now closed.