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So I'm trying to figure out what sort of animation to do for this month. I'll try to do my best to give you guys something cool. April is hectic thou with the Easter and stuff so hold on tight.

I wasn't about to show this yet but I'm so freaking excited I can't keep this a secret any longer. So I decided to custom order new models so I can use them in my animations since the ones from Daz3d are simply not optimized for that purpose.

So a fantastic artist by the name of Lia3d (go give her a follow on Twitter) agreed to take my commission and this is the result so far. I'm extremely happy with what she has done. It still is a work in progress and we are dialing this model in, making sure she is as good as she can get but boy ow boy am I excited to get this new Tickletou in the goblin dungeon!

What do you guys think?



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